Aluminum Foil Lab

Purpose: What is the purpose of performing this experiment? What problem are you trying to solve?

The purpose of performing this experiment was to find the relationship between denstiy, mass and volume. The problem we are trying to solve is determining the thickness, or height, of our aluminum foil in millimeters given a ruler, a scale, and the density of the foil, 2.70 g/cm^3.

Procedure: How did you actually perform PART II of your experiment?

First, using the given scale, we weighed the aluminum foil, where we got 0.6 grams. Next, using the given ruler, we measured the length and the width, where we got 11.81 cm and 12.35 cm. Then, using the formula of density=mass/volume, we substitute in the values we know so far, and have the equation of 2.70 g/cm^3 = 0.6/V. When we solve this, we get V=0.2 cm^3. Finally, we can use the formula of volume = length x width x height, and plugging the values in we get 0.2 = 12.35 x 11.81 x H, and simplifying this we get H=0.001371 cm. This then converted to millimeters is 0.01 cm.

Data: You need to record all of your measurements and calculations.

Conclusions: What was surprising about this lab? What was challenging about this lab?

This lab was surprising because there was no direct formula for us to use to solve the problem. This lab was challenging because we had to use two different formulas to find the solution and we had to convert to different units.


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